"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Cyber Monday and Black Friday Sale Events 2019

Visit our 2019 Cyber Sales Deals Plus Enter Code cyber2019 for Free Shipping on Your Order $120+!

Cyber Monday Deals and Cyber Events for 2019, are Free Shipping and Thanksgiving Deep Savings Sales. Deals begin Thanksgiving Thursday morning here on the Greenwood Nursery Mail Order Nursery website and end at midnight (central time) Tuesday, December 3rd.

** Free Shipping ** - Begins Thanksgiving Day through midnight Tuesday, December 3rd on orders over $120. Enter coupon code cyber2019 in the coupon box as you go through  checkout. If you experience any problems, please note it in the comment box on your order form and we'll take care of it on Monday when we are back in the office.

Cyber Deals - Please Note: When you place your order for plants on End of Season Clearances, please remember plants listed are based on current inventory and will ship within the next 2 weeks. Do make sure you are in a zone where it is safe for planting at this time. If a variety sells out, priority will be given to earliest orders placed.

Sampling of Plants You'll Find on Cyber Sales! Click Here for Cyber Sale Plants!!!

  • Hybrid Poplar - 1 - 2 foot (5 plants) $12.99
  • Lombardy Poplar - 1 to 2 foot (5 plants) $12.99
  • Mockorange - 1 to 2 foot (5 plants) $12.99
  • California Privet - 1 to 2 foot (5 plants) $14.99
  • Siouxland Cottonwood - 1 to 2 foot (1 plant) $5.99
  • Vinca (50 Plants) $13.99
  • And more...

CYBER WEEKEND DEALS end midnight (central time), Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019.