"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

November Yard Must-Do Reminders

Must-Do Yard Reminders for November:

  • Drain and roll up all garden hoses
  • Cover/insulate outside faucets that are not frost proof
  • Clean and store outdoor furniture, summer lights, seasonal fountains and decorations
  • Check oil and gas in mower and other equipment - How To Service Your Lawn Mower
  • Clean and oil (light coat) garden tools to prevent rust
  • Pull weeds so they don't go to seed (weed seed can lie in the soil for 3 to 5 years before germinating)
  • Prune Knockout Roses (in northern climates wait for them to drop their leaves - then remove leaves from base and wrap with burlap or place protective cones over)
  • Cut back (or use a weed eater) flowering perennials including butterfly bushes
  • Place a fresh layer of mulch (shredded bark, aged compost or aged manure mix) around tender perennials and shrubs for winter insulation
  • Remove dead annuals