"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Gardening Articles

Protect Your Garden Plants from Frost Damage

Quick ways to protect your garden plants from frost damage . 1. Drape tender plants, potted plants or fruits and vegetable plants loosely with old sheets and blankets, bulap, towels or large scraps of fabric. Secure with string, twine, rocks, bricks or stones. Heavy covers may need support to prevent crushing the plants. Support these heavy fabrics with stakes or sturdy branches. The next morning early remove all covers to prevent suffocation. 2. Water the soil up to 2 days before the expected frost. Damp soil holds heat better than dry soil will. Generously misiting...

Gardens in the Movies

My all time favorite movie house and landscape isn't even real. Movie magic! I just adore Kate Winslet's little English cottage in The Holiday . Though the movie takes place during the Christmas holiday, I can imagine the front garden entrance in summer filled with every rose possible, mock orange and lavender. Want to see how this non-existent adorable house and landscape was created? Iris's English cottage. Running a close second is Karen Blixen's plantation home from Out of Africa . The original house was not available so a replica was built to accommodate filiming...

Tips On Fall Planting For Best Spring Growth!

Yes, you can plant in fall for spring growth . Many areas of the country, such as zones 6, 7, and 8 generally continue to experience mild weather until early to mid December. Bare root trees and shrubs can be planted when they are available the latter part of October to late November, as well as planting container grown plants. The ground temperature often continues to remain warm allowing the newly planted plants to put on newer root growth that will secure them through the colder months of January and February. Planting faster growing trees or flowering trees and shrubs will kick off with...

Plant an Herb Garden

Plant an herb garden now and enjoy it for many years to come. Not only will you appreciate the convenience of being able to clip your own fresh herbs for your culinary delights, but just being outside near the herb area, you will drink in the wonderful aromas that are only herbs. Tips for an herb garden : Plant in full or mostly sun Choose a well drained location (herbs don’t like wet feet) Mix in some sand when planting (in clay soil) for better drainage Place taller growing...

Growing Knockouts and Shrub Roses

What can you plant in your landscape that will bloom beautifully from spring through fall? Hands down, the longest blooming period goes to the Knockout Roses! Here in zone 7, they start blooming around early April and continue on to late fall. This past fall, my double reds continued with blooms until Thanksgiving which was many weeks beyond hard frosts and remained in leaf through early December. Plant these gorgeous specimens in well drained, fertile soil in full sun. With little attention, they will put on a spectacular show for months on end. The Knockout Roses are smaller shrub plants...

Pollen Allergy Free Garden Plants

Select pollen allergy free garden plants if you suffer from pollen allergies. Check out our list of plants for pants for your garden that are easy on pollen allergies . Low allergy garden plants have one thing in common; they are insect pollinated plants which eliminates the wind blown pollen which is what irritates most allergies. There are many, many trees, shrubs and perennials that are pollinated by insects that the low allergy garden is well rounded. All herb plants , including rosemary, lavender, thyme, oregano, sage, mint and chives, are welcome here as well as vegetable and fruiting...

Butterfly Gardens Create Habitats, Protect, and Help to Preserve Flora and Fauna

Butterfly Gardens are grown to provide protected habitats, protect gardens, and work to preserve our plant heritage. Several times a week, I am asked what one thing I might suggest another person do to help the environment , conserve gardens, and/or improve the general landscape of our community. Time and again, my suggestion is that the singular best and simplest way to make a positive impact on the environment is to cultivate a butterfly garden. More often than not, though, that suggestion is met with this response: “I don’t have the foggiest idea how to start butterfly gardening -- you’ll...

Maintaining Flowering Shrubs to Avoid Excessive Growth

You delight in your thriving garden or yard because you spend a lot of time gently nurturing and providing the TLC it needs to be beautiful. Once plants, trees, and flowering shrubs have taken root and established themselves, the rest is about enjoying your garden and maintaining it to keep its attractive appearance in order and avoid excessive growth. Caring for Large Flowering Shrubs Use hand-held pruners on larger perennials such as Buddleia, better known as the Butterfly Bush. Cut off the old blooms to keep them flowering beautifully throughout the summer. In the winter or early spring,...

Spring Garden To-Do List

We’ve broken down these spring chores into your doable Garden To-Do List Week 1: Prune trees, shrubs and ornamental grasses (Time Saver: lay a tarp underneath the plant your working on and drag it with you as you move from plant to plant – prevents having to rake up branches and twigs) Week 2: Pull out all dead plants, old bedding plants and weeds (Time Saver: pull along a large trash can to toss in all these dead plants and weeds – dump in compost, burn or throw away) Week 3: Rake garden and landscaped areas to gather up remaining parts of non-decayed leaves trapped around plants, break up...

Tips for Growing Rose of Sharon in Your Garden

Growing a Rose of Sharon hedge in Your Garden is an excellent way of creating a private garden area during the summer season. Changing the appearance of your garden can be easily done. Regardless of the size of your garden, you don’t have to spend more time, money, and effort in improving its appearance. With your knowledge about Rose of Sharon shrubs , your problem can be easily solved. Like other homeowners, you shouldn’t miss to ignore the benefits of Rose of Sharon bushes . These are the common names of the different species of flowering plants, hardy hibiscus , hibiscus...

Best Gardening Trends for Your Garden

This year see how these best gardening trends are directly related to the economy and weather factors. The United States is seeing one of the largest shifts in how people garden and how homeowners are landscaping their yards. With smaller yards , American gardeners are becoming more creative in the limited space that they call their own. While the rest of the world has gardened in small spaces for centuries, we are just learning some of their secrets to making small work. Our best gardening trends to use in your garden this year are: Incorporating small fruiting plants into regular...

Starting a Compost in Your Garden

Are you ready to start a compost program ? Anyone who has a garden should be composting. It is very easy to do and the benefits are numerous when it comes to enhancing the soil and producing quality fruits, flowers and vegetables. Compost bins in the garden. By definition, compost is the humus like material that results from the decomposition of organic matter. When we grow and remove healthy crops in our gardens, we also remove many of the nutrients in the soil. For sustainable agriculture to thrive, even in a small backyard garden, we must replace what we have taken out of the soil. Good...

Starting a Backyard Garden with Raised Beds and Pots

You can start a backyard garden with raised beds or pots. Home gardening is the number one hobby in the United States. Is there anything more satisfying than walking out your back door, picking a juicy red tomato and enjoying that sweet fresh flavor? It is a rare treat and for most of the country it is only something we get to experience in July, August and September, but it sure is worth it. When you go to the grocery store in the dead of winter and the tomato package says, “Vine Ripened and Tastes like Summer”, don’t you believe it! There is nothing quite like producing your own fresh food...

Create Unique Garden Patterns with Common Flowering Shrubs

You can create unique garden patterns with common flowering shrubs! Your garden sends a message about who you are and what you care about. Have you ever seen those well-manicured hedges at famous locations like Versailles? These send a message of nobility, royalty and attention-to-detail. Do you want to create unique patterns with common flowering shrubs to make a good first impression? Geometric Shapes Words or Animal Landscaping Designs Before a neighbor or business client enters your home, he or she will see the designs of your...

Butterfly Habitat Rain Gardens Are Combinations for Learning and Global Improvement

In the age of social media and keywords turned catch phrase, those of us who garden and those who hope to garden and those who are only mildly garden curious to hear or read about a lot of gardens. There are Zen gardens, tranquility gardens, lasagna gardens, pizza gardens, native habitat gardens , memory gardens, rain gardens, and butterfly gardens, just to name a few. In any given region and climate, though, there is tremendous possibility for combining the roles of more than one garden. Three of the easiest gardens to combine are butterfly, habitat, and rain gardens . And making such...

Crow Village in Montevallo, Alabama Hopes to Grow Its Own Community Garden

A quick scan of “housing authority community garden success” returns dozens of articles about devoted individuals who have grown community as well as food to sustain citizens in towns and cities nationwide. Many of these gardens first took root over twenty years ago, some are only in their second season, and others are in the concept stage. Crucial to the success of each of these gardens, though, is the feeling of investment and ownership the residents’ feel and rightly claim in regards to their tiny farm plots, the big work they do to cultivate them, and the fruits, vegetables, and...

Swamp Milkweed and Wild Ginger Bring Monarchs and Pipeline Swallowtails to Your Butterfly Garden

One of the truly wonderful aspects of butterfly gardening is that the most effective plants for such are perennials and natives. Key to attracting and providing for the most butterflies possible is to provide attractive plants that actually play roles in providing for local or migrating butterfly populations. Choosing native plants that thrive in the specific type of soil and moisture level your garden offers can be tricky, but two plants that are hosts for two specific butterflies are probably excellent choices for some portion of your butterfly garden: swamp milkweed and wild ginger...

Ground Cover Basics for Erosion Control, Beautification, and Elegant Focal Points

A lot of attention is paid to beds, borders, foundations, and focal points when it comes to home and commercial gardening, but just about any landscape might benefit from well-placed ground cover plants. A wide variety of ground cover plants are available, but a few choices deliver vivid greens, alluring colors, and hard-to-match benefits to gardens with special needs. Among the ground covers that benefit just about every garden are: Sedums Vincas Ajuga Pachysandra Virginia Creeper Purple Wintercreeper Thymes The most easily recognized...

Ground Covers Turn Your No-Grow Zones to Colorful Delights

Most yards exhibit some problem areas before serious gardening begins. In some cases, lawn problems will persist even after years of gardening know how has been applied. What the most successful gardeners understand is that pinpoint lawn problems early allows for quick application of long-term solutions. Common lawn problems for home gardens are: bare spots dry zones eroded areas Remedying any of these problems in your own future or current garden requires only the simplest eye for detail. Stepping back to consider these no-grow zones, assess the...

Create Your Own Secret Garden with Shrub Roses that Offer Privacy and Beauty

In The Secret Garden , author Frances Hodgson Burnett surmises, “If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.” Growing up as I have among the plants and flowers that so many of you have taken home of the years, eventually rearing my own children in nature’s nursery, I would have to say that I agree. Everywhere I look, I imagine something better with the right landscaping and an aesthetic understanding of the role plants play in beautifying our lives. My family and I have literally grown like garden components. So it doesn’t surprise me to be asked, “ How might I...

Your Drought-Tolerant Garden May Be a Rainbow of Hope with Drought Resistant Plants

Dry to drought conditions shouldn’t keep you from having gardens bursting with color and bustling with pollinators. In fact, southern gardens have long dealt with wet springs and dry summers. Many native plants in areas where such conditions are prevalent have adapted to thrive regardless. If you hope to grow your own colorful garden in sunny, dry areas, choose drought-tolerant plants and place them to make the most of water accessibility and proper drainage. Drought-tolerant gardens may present a rainbow of color when the proper plants are chosen, and this stands to...

Xeriscaping for Gardens To Conserve Water and Beautify Trouble Zones

Simply put, xeriscape is landscaping designed toward water conservation, resourcefulness for drought conditions, and use of native plants that have adapted to accept lower moisture levels. Derived from “xeros,” the Greek word for “dry,” successful xeriscaping far surpasses the desert garden look so often associated with it. Before acting on your own xeriscape ideas, consider these elements: Setting Exposures Slopes Soil Irrigation potential With such crucial elements at the center of your garden planning, design is your number one starting place. While many wonderful gardens grow from whimsy...

Choosing The Best Garden Plants To Eat

Which are The Best Garden Plants To Eat? Creating a garden is a reflection of your unique style and personality. If you enjoy preparing foods with fresh ingredients, you might want to think about incorporating affordable garden plants to eat into your landscape. Planning a garden that includes edible plants can add interest and provide pleasure to your senses, and they can help you make delicious summer recipes to share with family and friends. Sugar Mountain Kalinka Haskap For a different garden plant treat, establish the Sugar Mountain Kalinka Haskap and the...

Plant Flowering Shrubs During the Right Season

Plant Flowering Shrubs During The Right Season Greenwood Nursery has affordable garden plants that people will love to put in their yards. These affordable garden plants come in a wide variety of sizes and bloom colors that will surely please the customers. It is easy to visit the website and sign up for updates about the most affordable garden plants. The website address is http://www.greenwoodnursery.com , and people can fill in a form that will allow them to receive the updates on a regular basis. An Online Nursery For Plants As an online plant nursery , customers find a lot of great...
