"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Keeping Chickens

Integrating Chickens into the Garden Area

Integrating Chickens into the Garden Area
We’ve talked about the possibilities and general guidelines of gardens and chickens co-existing , in the same space. While generally this isn’t an advised situation, there are some circumstances where chickens and some kinds of gardens can co-exist happily that also benefit one another in the process. If you’re working on a plan for the spring, or for a new garden space that will include your chickens and understand what sorts of situations are appropriate for both, then you’re probably wondering how to start the whole process off. How do you plan for this sort of inclusion of both?...

Preparing the Garden and Yard for Housing a Few Chickens

Preparing the Garden and Yard for Housing a Few Chickens
Chicken keeping , even in a typical city backyard, is becoming a very popular hobby. There’s a lot of great reasons for this from being wonderful pets to a practical and safe way to get fresh eggs , there’s many reasons people are keeping a few chickens . Chickens are perfect for even the smallest urban yard and garden, but despite all of the great things about them there are still a few very, very important considerations and preparations you need to take in order to prepare your garden or yard for housing a few chickens . What you need to know What...

Growing A Garden For Animals

A lot of people know the goodness a garden can offer, but often overlook the possibilities the garden offers their animals on the homestead. In fact, there was a time when much of the produce grown on the homestead was grown to feed the animals living there, and there are still people who grow this way. But a lot of people who keep small amounts of animals for enjoyment and or for food can also make and use their outdoor space and garden area for nutritious and affordable animal feed. Even a small amount of space, when done right, can produce not only lots of food for you, but can put a...

Chicken and Duck Breeds that Live Well Together in Small Yard

Chicken and Duck Breeds Living Together
“Can you suggest breeds of duck and chicken that are compatible together in a small space?” We’re asked this question often, and it’s a great question! As the popularity of keeping backyard hens rises, the notion of keeping a few ducks as well is always considered. And this is for great reason! Chickens and ducks both make great pets for the small urban back yard. With each type of bird alone, or even living together, you can find a happy balance with keeping both ducks and chickens in the same space. There are some basic considerations however before you mix the two types of birds. One of...

What the Urban Chicken Keeper Needs to Know About Gathering Eggs

There’s absolutely nothing like gathering eggs fresh from your backyard flock . Not only is the whole process absolutely wonderfully more convenient than running to the store, but the eggs themselves are healthier overall. Most people also say that fresh eggs from happy backyard hens taste much better than weeks old battery caged hens, and we certainly agree. Besides, there’s nothing like eating what you grow yourself. If you’re totally new and have yet to get your first eggs, or are getting eggs but having problems, read on. There are some basics the urban chicken...

What Breeds of Chickens Are Best for Backyard Gardens

There are so many wonderful breeds of chickens . Oh so very many. They seem to be as numerous as all of the types of heirloom tomatoes that have been treasured and passed down in generations and shared in small pockets of people who share a similar culture. Yes, chickens have been bred and sculpted much like beautiful tomatoes, and each breed has something that makes them very special. For the urban backyard , there are some breeds that fit in better than others. Keeping in mind that chickens are certainly individuals themselves, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite breeds of chickens...

The Broody Hen and What you need to Know

Spring brings many new beginnings for everyone. The plants are starting to wake up, flowers begin to bloom. The ice on the lakes and rivers is long gone. Many animals are preparing and having babies in the spring. For our wonderful backyard hens, spring is sometimes an interesting time for them too- as some hens may decide it’s time to hatch their own clutch of spring baby chicks. The Broody Hen and What you need to Know . Not all hens will become broody mothers . In fact, many breeds that are commonly available to the chicken pet owner have had broodiness bred out of...

Bird Flu and You - What you need to Know as a Backyard Chicken Keeper

You may have seen, and heard about Avian Influenza , or the bird flu , in the news lately. Currently, here in the US, the bird flu has been responsible for the decimation of many large scale factory chicken farms (both farms that produce eggs and meat) and turkey farms. Thankfully, this viral disease has been kept under control due to drastic measures taken when flocks are tested and found positive to have the bird flu . There has been one downside to this - aside from the significant losses that bird farmers have had to endure so far this year. The price of grocery...

How Keeping Chickens Can Help in Your Backyard

How Keeping Chickens Can Help in Your Backyard
 Although chickens can be both a blessing and a curse in the backyard , in this article I want to focus on the positive and look at ways that chickens can be of help. As long as you take a few precautions, chickens can save you time and money with your garden. Some gardeners and chicken keepers would argue that chickens are such good workers, that they should be kept even if they weren’t laying eggs or kept for their meat. In this post, I will explore 8 various ways to use chickens in your backyard . You will find out how to put...

Winter DON’TS for Backyard Chicken Keepers

For chicken keepers , winter time can often bring lots of worry. This is especially true for first time owners. If you’re going through your first or subsequent winter with your chickens , you can rest easy. Keeping your chickens happy and healthy over the cold winter months isn’t as daunting or scary as you might think. The list of winter “DON’TS” is pretty short, but important. Here are the most important things to NOT do this winter for your chickens . Don’t keep your chickens locked in their coop during the bad weather. Many chickens actually enjoy getting out of...