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Wholesale Plants Nursery for Trees, Shrubs and Perennials

Greenwood Nursery Wholesale Tree and Plant Nursery

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With over 40 years as a nursery grower and wholesale plant broker, Greenwood Nursery provides wholesale nursery plants and seedlings pricing to conservation districts, garden centers, nursery brokers, landscapers, lawn maintenance services, builders, contractors, wholesale nurseries, environmental companies as well as other businesses working within the plant trade. We take the pressure and frustration of sourcing out plant stock away from you and your staff plus save your company money in locating and coordinating deliveries right to your project sites.

Large container grown landscape size trees, shrubs and perennials are generally available year round for shipping with B&B trees and shrubs dug to specifications.

We can easily source large plant stock for your landscape projects saving you time and money to work on new projects. Wholesale nursery trees orders are generally placed in June-August for fall shipping and December-February for spring/late spring shipping. We always do our best to accommodate late season orders.

We offer many of the plants on our website as wholesale plants plus through out network of growers across the US, we have access to a wide selection of plants and sizes included larger growing container grown and B&B trees and shrubs. We offer more than other southern wholesale nurseries. If we don't grow it, we can most likely locate what you need through our wide network of excellent growers. If you don't find the plant variety or size that you require for your project, please email us with your business information  and want list containing plant varieties, sizes, quantities and estimated delivery date. We will be happy to follow up with you. Email or call us at 1-931-668-3041.

Click here to email us with your company and contact information. Be sure to attach your seedling want list with varieties, quantities and sizes as well as estimated delivery time. We also work on large plant stock including B&B, wire basket and large container orders. Greenwood Nursery can be your one stop wholesale nursery source!

Click through the links below for more information on those topics:

Buy Lavender Wholesale for Lavender Farms

Branches for Forcing Blooms

Buy Wholesale Oaks and other nut trees in quart, one gallon and three gallon pots ready for field planting or retail. One quart size oak trees excellent for conservation plantings.

Tree Shelters and Miracle Tree Tubes available wholesale (call for wholesale pricing) in 12", 24", 48", 60" heights

Buy vinca at wholesale prices minor (6-8 leads most popular but other sizes available) bare root - wholesale pricing begins at 1000 plants. Weekly orders can be set up for large vinca orders.