"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Miscellaneous Articles

Breathtaking fall colors: where to find the best!

Once again, it’s the fall season in America, and as temperatures begin to cool, deciduous trees from coast to coast are changing into their spectacular autumn clothing! Whether it’s a spur-of-the-moment romantic getaway weekend, or a memorable family trip, this could be the perfect time for you to take a couple of days and catch the breathtaking display of color that Mother Nature has provided for your pleasure. If you don’t live in an area where the fall colors are very exciting, or if you’d just like a change of scenery, you might be surprised to find how close you are to some outstanding...

Celebrate Earth Day - plant some trees!

It seems that the calendar is becoming filled with "Days" – as well as "Weeks" and "Months" – that are designated to celebrate even the most obscure events. But there is one very important event we all need to remember: Earth Day, celebrated on April 22 every year. Earth Day is the brainchild of Earth Day Network, a nonprofit organization that coordinates activities worldwide. The network is still headed by Gaylord Nelson and Denis Hayes, organizers of the first Earth Day held in 1970. >From my point of view (and probably from yours too, since you're reading this...

Article and Plant Page Disclaimer

We make every effort is made to ensure that all articles and plant pages are filled with correct information at the time that they are first published. While in some cases we have made adjustments to them for obvious changes in the law or procedures, we do not guarantee that all articles have been kept entirely up-to-date due to the large amount of content on our site. We do our best to update plant pages as information on the varieties change. They are considered "historical" information. And the older the article, the more likely it is that something may have changed in the meantime...

An all-natural snake repellent? This one has many benefits!

In a recent "Plant Man" column, a reader asked for suggestions to rid his landscape of snakes without having to kill them. One reader responded with a fascinating (and non-toxic) idea that you'll find in this week's column, below. You can now purchase Snake Repellent that is safe for use around pets and people. But first, let's look at some recent questions from readers. QUESTION: "I have two 3 1/2 month old Bradford Pears. They're part of new construction. About two weeks ago, the leaves started turning yellow and falling off. It's been consistent ever...

How To Make Birds, Bats and Butterflies Welcome In Your Garden

Lions and tigers and bears (oh my!)... It's my guess that you'd agree with Dorothy on this one. There are some critters you just don't want to invite into your landscape. Lions, tigers and bears are probably right at the top of your "keep out" list, closely followed by some more likely interlopers such as deer and coyotes. I'll have some ideas for turning away unwanted visitors in a future column. But today I want to talk about ways to attract wildlife guests that are both beautiful and beneficial: birds, bats and butterflies! Sorry about all those B's! Let's start with birds. Providing bird...

Home Maintenance Information

Below is a compilation of links that will offer you more ideas on landscaping as well as provide you with information on how to care for your new hom Home maintenance after flooding Security Tips How to make your home/property fire safe

Cooperative Extension Services

Find your local extension service. Cooperative Extension Services

Crow Village in Montevallo, Alabama Hopes to Grow Its Own Community Garden

A quick scan of “housing authority community garden success” returns dozens of articles about devoted individuals who have grown community as well as food to sustain citizens in towns and cities nationwide. Many of these gardens first took root over twenty years ago, some are only in their second season, and others are in the concept stage. Crucial to the success of each of these gardens, though, is the feeling of investment and ownership the residents’ feel and rightly claim in regards to their tiny farm plots, the big work they do to cultivate them, and the fruits, vegetables, and...

Make an Authentic Cuban Mojito Drink

Greenwood Nursery now has Mojito Mint Plants which are used to make the Authentic Cuban Mojito Drinks .

Ways to Fight Cabin Fever

Here are some of our favorite ways to fight cabin fever. These tips will ease you through the last month of winter to come out feeling great for spring. Do stretches and light exercises each day (turn the radio on & dance!) Up your light bulb wattage to make dreary days brighter Limit sugary foods Don’t over sleep – keep sleep schedule normal Supplement with Vitamin D (check with your doctor before taking supplements) Up your Omega-3 fats (many nuts, seeds, wild salmon, kale, etc) Brew a daily cup of tea (green tea for day/chamomile for evening) Indulge in a couple bites of dark chocolate...

Helpful Tips to Control Deer Damage and Deer Resistant Plants.

Helpful tips to control deer damage and deer resistant plants . When deer are hungry and their food supply is gone, deer will eat anything. Plants known as being deer resistant is a good step in controlling deer damage in the yard. Deer will not find them as tasty and will eat off other perennials and shrubs before attacking these varieties. In order to get the deer damage under control, it is a must to properly select deer resistant plants . Deer repellents are also a great thing to have and it should be used regularly to have best results. Area repellent emits foul odor that is good in...

Easy Ways for Staying Fit and Healthy During Winter

Follow these easy ways for staying fit and healthy during winter and year round. Winter is the time of year most that of us reduce our physical activity and begin hibernating – just like nature. Lack of movement and eating comfort foods causes us to put on a few pounds. I've listed the best ways to stay fit and feel great during winter and the holiday season. Pick your favorite ways to stay fit . Join me and let’s commit together! - Use the house as a gym - If you’re like me, you don’t really have a lot of time to get to a gym 3 or 4 times a week. So, I found a way to...

Cyber Monday and Black Friday Sale Events 2019

Visit our 2019 Cyber Sales Deals Plus Enter Code cyber2019 for Free Shipping on Your Order $120+! Cyber Monday Deals and Cyber Events for 2019, are Free Shipping and Thanksgiving Deep Savings Sales. Deals begin Thanksgiving Thursday morning here on the Greenwood Nursery Mail Order Nursery website and end at midnight (central time) Tuesday, December 3rd. ** Free Shipping ** - Begins Thanksgiving Day through midnight Tuesday, December 3rd on orders over $120. Enter coupon code cyber2019 in the coupon box as you go through checkout. If you experience any problems, please note it in the comment...

"Natural" decorations make Holidays special

With Thanksgiving behind us for another year, and the last of the cold turkey sandwiches just a fading memory, it's time to start thinking in earnest about the Holiday season that is now almost upon us. And the Holiday Season is a great time to bring some of your landscape in from the outdoors to brighten your indoors. Of course, the first thing we usually think of is a Christmas tree. Rather than buying a cut tree this year, consider buying a "live" tree that you can plant outside after the Holidays. Here are a couple of tips if you're going the live...

"Vanishing Bees" a problem for farmers and gardeners

“Pesky bees!” If you’ve ever said that as you swat away some critter flying around your face, the chances are that it isn’t really a bee at all. In fact, it’s more likely to be a yellow jacket, a hornet or a wasp. Domestic honey bees are relatively non-aggressive and, most important, are vital to the successful pollination of the plants in our gardens and a great deal more. But it seems the humble bee could be in danger, according to an article in the Summer 2006 edition of OnEarth, the environmental magazine published quarterly by the Natural...

Another Way to Control Wasps

In a recent column I discussed controlling pesky wasps. I received the following e-mail from reader Pat Pope who said: "In response to the wasp situation, I found a neat little trick that I'll share with everyone. On my front porch the wasps were buzzing around too much for me so I put clear ammonia inside small candle holders and placed them around the porch, out of sight of children and pets. The wasps have taken the hint and aren't bothering me anymore." Thanks Pat!

A Ticking Solution!

In August of 2001, my husband and I decided to build a new house. The land we chose to build on had not been cleared fpr about 45 or 50 years. Needless to say --- ticks were thick. We'd go out and work for three or four hours--come in and pick --usually about a dozen ticks off of our bodies. The solution: We bought bantam (banty) chickens. Within a week the ticks had cut down to one or two a day. Within 2 or 3 weeks--no ticks. Bantams are easy to care for. we let them eat ticks and bugs during the day then fed then in the evening. They stay close to home--basically in the yard. We let ours...

Aerator Question

Question: At an estate sale this weekend, I picked up a "Plant Nurse" Electric air machine model 300. I'd guess this is from the late 70s early 80s. It is an aerator for indoor plants. It has an 8" tube that injects air into the root system. It recommends running it for 15 minutes after you water your plants. My question is.....does this actually produce noticeable results? I've not encountered anything like this sold today, so I don't know if it was a flop or what happened to them. Thank you for your time! I appreciate your help! Answer: Aeration is good for the roots of all plants. Without...

Dogscaping Basics

Dogscaping is exactly what it sounds like - landscaping with the dog in mind . Dog-specific landscaping has taken off in recent years as dogs become more and more accepted in all types of housing, and as dogs become parts of many more families than ever before. Having a dog does result in some fairly specialized considerations in the garden and landscape. Here are some ideas for creating a landscape that is not only safer for the dogs in your life, but is also more functional than traditional landscaping is when it comes to everyday life with your pet. Your landscape needs to be able to stay...

Where to Buy Plants Online

Garden lovers are always excited to have beautiful plants in their home garden. You may have planned for a colorful landscape at your home but the biggest problem is that you often have limited options around us to buy different varieties of plants. Actually there are lots of varieties of flowering shrubs, perennials, ground covers, as well as indoor and more outdoor plants; one can make selection as per weather conditions of surrounding area and space around the house. Once you have identified sufficient space in your garden then you can buy your plant varieties online; it might seem strange...

Mindfulness - Centering Yourself in Your World

Mindfulness is a mental device to enable individuals to comprehend, endure, and manage their feelings in sound ways. It causes you to adjust your ongoing reactions by taking the delay and picking how you act. When you are careful, you encounter your life as you live it. You face the world straightforwardly through your five detects. You taste the nourishment you are eating. You perceive the contemplations you are having. You see what is going on around you. You hear your voice and words. You recognize your aliveness. You figure out how your brains function, and you are better ready to name...