"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Best Plants For Fall Color

Planting a well-rounded landscape includes the best plants for fall color. 

As summer flowering shrubs and perennials begin to fade in late August to mid September, these plants have been waiting to put on their color show. Blending an assortment of these fall color trees, shrubs and perennials into your garden or landscape settings will provide interesting early to late fall foliage.

The best fall color trees are the Red Sunset Maple and Ginkgo Biloba. The Red Sunset leaves morph from green to fall red while the Ginkgo leaves become a beautiful bright yellow. 

Shrubs that pop with brilliant fall foliage are these favorites: Burning Bush, Nandina Firepower and the Nandina Gulf Stream, LIttle Honey Oakleaf Hydrangea and Gold Mound Spirea

While ornamental grasses are always associated with fall color, adding a few to the garden landscape adds wonderful soft golden colors like the Northwind Panicum, All Gold Japanese Forest Grass and Pink Muhly Grasses.

Favorite perennial plants that exude fall colors are the Silver Scrolls Heuchera, Caramel Heuchera, Autumn Brilliance Fern and Fire Alarm Heuchera

Vines and ground cover plants are easily added to established landscapes for fall color. Try these vines and low growing shrubs and ground cover plants. Yellow and Red Wall Virginia Creeper, Gro-Low Sumac, and Black Mondo.

There are many more plants that can add fall colors to your landscape, but these are our favorites to sprinkle among established gardens and landscapes.