"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

15 Plants For Spring to Fall Cut Flowers!

We're coming up on our second spring that Steve and I have been in our downsized home. Already knowing how we wanted to use the outdoor areas last year, we planted some of our favorite perennials and some foundation plantings.

This year, we're building raised beds with a short sitting ledge all around for weeding, fertilizing and just enjoying the plants. I've been narrowing down my first round of perennials and small shrubs to plant so that we can have spring to fall flower arrangements and small bouquets (in bud vases) in the house.

The first two varieties are just beginning to flower in the greenhouse (this article is being written first week in May). Planting now, we should realize some late spring blooms over the next weeks.

Here are 15 plants that are perfect for Spring to Fall cut flowers. I'm so excited to be able to make small indoor bouquets this year.

  1. Peonies - Early to mid spring bloomers. Use the foliage in summer for later bouquets.
  2. Pura Lilac Scentara - Fragrant lilac flowers in early spring.
  3. Lenten Rose - Helleborus - Early to mid spring bloomers. Great color variety.
  4. Mockorange Illuminati Arch - Fragrant white blooms in spring. Use foliage for summer & fall bouquets.
  5. Moonshine Yarrow - Bright yellow flowers spring to fall. Dries beautifully. Beautiful fluffy foliage.
  6. Blue Fortune Agastache - Fragrant summer flowers.
  7. Coreopsis - Small blooms spring to summer. Great for contrasting filler.
  8. Pineapple Sage - Bright red fragrant flowers and foliage summer to fall.
  9. Buddleia - Fragrant long blooms summer to fall. Varied colors.
  10. Hydrangeas - Spring to fall flowering depending on specific variety. Great foliage for adding to arrangements.
  11. Monarda - Fragrant tall flowers summer to fall.
  12. Echinacea/Coneflower - Varied color blooms summer to fall.
  13. Russian Sage Little Spire - Blue fluffy blooms summer to fall. Excellent to use as fillers for other bouquets.
  14. Blackeyed Susans - Tall yellow petal flowers with black center. Beautiful as a single flower in a bud vase, too!
  15. Shasta Daisies - Mixes with most all other summer to fall flowers.

A few other plants not to be missed that are great for fillers, fragrance and foliage are: herbs (most have wonderful fragrance & blooms), ferns, heucheras (great leaves, but don't miss their late spring/summer spiky blooms), sambucus (beautiful foliage all summer and spring blooms that make lovely arrangements), and grasses

Happy Gardening!


15 plants for spring to fall cut flower bouquets
