"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

2 Evergreen Ferns Keep Shaded Areas Green

As the temperatures cool in fall and the first frost arrives, many shade loving plants begin to wither away. Most ferns, dicentrasastilbe and ajuga begin disappearing for their long winter's nap. This inevitably leaves more empty spaces than we'd prefer. 

Providing color in shaded areas is one way that the area encourages us to go outside and walk through the gardens. Strategically planting evergreen perennials is the best way to brighten otherwise drab spaces. Heucheras, hellebores and pachysandra are a few plants that keep their color and shape throughout the year. 

One of the favorite shade loving perennials is ferns. Ferns come in all sizes from the royal fern with its grand height to the arborvitae fern creeping along the ground. We eagerly await mid spring when the new tips begin to peek out of the ground morphing into graceful fronds. 

Enjoy ferns year round in your garden with these 2 evergreen fern varieties.

  • Autumn Brilliance Fern is a kaleidoscope of colors from green, to yellow to orange with everything in between. 
  • Christmas Fern grows beautifully on dry and moist wooded sloped areas, even banks and ravines.

Plant evergreen ferns now and enjoy color and texture growing in your shade garden all year!


