"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

5 Reblooming Plants to Enjoy All Summer Long!

Get ready to enjoy your summer with these five rebloomers that will make your garden look stunning! Here we offer up 5 reblooming plants for you to enjoy all summer long!

First up is the Invincibelle Ruby Hydrangea, a plant that will give you gorgeous blooms in full sun whether you plant it in the ground or in containers.

Next, we have the Reblooming Azaleas that come in pink, purple, or white, and they can withstand the late summer heat in full to part sun garden areas.

For a fragrant and amazing show of blooms, plant the Phenomenal Lavender in full sun with good air circulation and drainage. Be sure to clip off the first blooms as they turn brown for a new flush of summer blooms.

The Very Van Gogh Veronica blooms early summer and with a quick clip of spent blooms, you can enjoy another round of beautiful pinky purple spiky flowers.

Lastly, the Reminiscent Coral Dwarf Rose with its exquisite fragrant coral flowers will give you blooms and re-blooms all summer long.

And remember, if you keep fish in a bowl or tank, don't throw away the dirty water! Keep it in a container to water your houseplants and/or outdoor plants. It contains nutrients your plants will love.

  1. Invincibelle Ruby Hydrangea 
  2. Reblooming Azaleas 
  3. Phenomenal Lavender 
  4. Very Van Gogh Veronica 
  5. Reminiscent Coral Dwarf Rose

Happy Gardening!

5 reblooming plants to enjoy all summer long. reblooming plants.
