"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

9 Ground Cover Plants To Keep Weed Growth Down

9 Ground Covering Plants To Help Keep Weed Growth Down

For normal garden and landscape areas, these 9 groundcover plants will do the job of helping to keep weed growth down. They are spreaders or light creepers which are not invasive, so easy to keep tamed within your desired areas.

Meet our 9 ground covers to help with weeds. Each is growing in small pots and can be planted now.

  • Creeping Phlox - Once creeping phlox blooms in spring, the evergreen foliage begins growing and spreading. 
  • Burgundy Glow Ajuga - Spring to early summer spikey flowers make ajuga interesting. Otherwise it spreads beautifully with tight foliage.
  • Dwarf Plumbago - Bright blue flowers summer to fall set against green foliage are spectacular. Dies back in winter but comes back following spring.
  • Hypericum St. John's Wort - Spring to summer bright yellow flowers are set against the dark foliage. Striking plants go dormant in winter but return in spring.
  • Iberis Purity Candytuft - Tight growing with deep green evergreen foliage. White blooms from early spring to mid summer.
  • Pachysandra - Multi-petal evergreen foliage fans out covering the ground with an elegant appearance.
  • Dianthus - Summer blooms set atop little tufts of dense foliage. The evergreen tufts widen (like creeping phlox) over the growing season.
  • Blue Star Creeper - Tiny semi-evergreen leaves are mat forming. Periwinkle blue flowers bloom sporadically spring to fall.
  • Mazus Alba - Small white flowers set atop the green dense leaves spring to summer.