"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

9 Late Season Flowering Plants Attract Winged Friends

9 Late Season Flowering Plants Entice Winged Friends

Late summer is the perfect time for gardeners who want to continue to attract and support pollinators like butterflies, hummingbirds, bees and more native insects. These amazing creatures not only bring a burst of life and color to our gardens but also help ensure the health and productivity of our plants.

Here are 9 of the best late season flowering plants that will attract winged friends, creating a pollinator-friendly garden.

Monarch Blue Knight Buddleia - Pint Pots

Mellow Yellow Coneflower - Pint Pots

Cherry Pops Monarda - Pint Pots

Moonbeam Coreopsis - Pint Pots

Vintage Red Yarrow - Pint Pots

Moonshine Yarrow - Pint Pots

Bicolor Gaillardia - Pint Pots

Royal Candles Veronica - Pint Pots

Sassy Saffron Coreopsis - Pint Pots

Adding these late summer flowering plants to your garden will not only extend the blooming season enjoyment in your garden, but also provide essential nectar sources for these pollinators during a critical time of year.