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Fall pruning for trees and shrubs has been the most common topic on emails this week and you may have concerns, too. So, here are some pruning basics to remember:
- Pruning stimulates growth (fall pruning of trees and shrubs invites insects and disease when there isn’t time to harden off for winter weather)
- Prune spring flowering trees and shrubs after they bloom
- Prune evergreen trees and shrubs late winter to early spring with light pruning possible in early summer
- Prune most trees and shrubs in late winter to early spring during cool, dry weather
- Prune to remove dead, broken, diseased branches and to shape plants
- In shaping plants, look to increase sunlight and air circulation within the structure of each plant
- Don't cut flush with the trunk - leave a slight nub or bump which will be a smaller cut
- Warm climates (zones 8 to 10) should prune in January to February when temps are still a little cool
- Fruiting trees and shrubs should be pruned and thinned in mid to late winter to prevent disease and insect damage
- cheryl's blog
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