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Brighten up your home and your mood by forcing branches indoors this spring!
January, our first month of the year, presents us with short days that are often bitter cold. Nature's palette is primarily shades of gray. We long for the colors of spring; those late winter to spring flowers on trees and shrubs that promise us...spring IS on its way!
You can create that feeling before nature does by forcing the branches to bloom indoors. Most early bloomers will have set their buds late last summer and once they've experienced 4 to 6 weeks of winter's cold temperatures, they are actually in wait of warm weather to flower. With the calendar below you can bring spring inside this year and enjoy forced flowers on these branches.
Greenwood Nursery often has available branches for forcing indoor blooms. Call (1-800-426-0958 or 931-668-3041 from your cell) or email the Greenwood Team to find out which branch varieties and stages are available. We also welcome wholesale inquiries from Florists, Floral Distributors, Hotels, Convention Centers, Wedding Planners and Event Planners.
January (mid to late): quince, Okame cherry, Ann Magnolia, Pussy Willow, curled willow, birch brush, white birch poles
February: dogwoods (red, pink, white), white cherries, forsythia, Yoshino cherry
March: dogwoods, spiraea, Kwanzan cherry
April: lilac, pink viburnum, viburnum opulus sterile, spiraea
May: viburnums, lilac, red smokebush
June: Nikko Hydrangea, Snowflake Hydrangea
August: Limelight Hydrangea
September: fall foliage magnolia, branched crabapple fruit
October: winterberry, magnolia foliage, red twig dogwood, curly willow, holly
November: winterberry, holly, magnolia foliage, red twig dogwood, curly willow
December: Christmas hollies, winterberry, magnolia foliage, red twig dogwood, curly willow
Once your branches are inside, select a container will be heavy enough to hold the branches without tipping over. Add several inches of warm water to the container. Cut the ends of the branches (that will be in the water) so they are angled. Remove all/any leaves or buds that will be in close to the water level. Then make a cut up into the angle so the branch can easily absorb water. Arrange your branches. The water will need replacing every 3 to 4 days to keep your branches looking their best. No need to add aspirin or floral preservative. Note: Curly Willow, Pussy Willow, Winterberry, Birch Brush, Birch Poles, Holiday Holly, Red Twig Dogwood and Magnolia Foliage do not require water.
- cheryl's blog
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