"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Plant a Strawberry Garden This Year

Strawberries seem to always top the list of spring and summer treats for people world over. Strawberries are healthy, very delicious, and easy to prepare in many great ways that not only make them a decadent experience but can also make them last all season long.

People spend a lot of money on purchasing strawberries from grocery stores and roadside stands, when this is really unnecessary. Growing strawberries yourself is a very easy and is extremely cost effective. Strawberries don’t have to take up a lot of space, and a few plants will yield enough strawberries for a whole family throughout the season. Kids especially love growing strawberries too. It’s a wonder why more people aren’t bothering to grow their own strawberries themselves!

Strawberries are so easy to grow. Strawberry plants are very hardy and tough plants that grow in a wide variety of conditions. The original, wild parents of cultivated strawberries started as tough little plants growing in tough areas- like alpine rocky meadows or damp forest floors. Because of this, strawberries do well all over the US- even in Alaska! In areas where you may not be able to grow many other treats like peaches or cherries, strawberries will usually always do just fine.

If you don’t have a lot of room, strawberries can still fit right in. Most all cultivars can be grown in pots if you don’t have garden space. This wonderful blog posts shows you how to quickly put together a beautiful strawberry pot, for example.  Strawberries are wonderful in raised beds too. Many gardeners have learned that strawberries love being tucked into landscape gaps in sunny areas where they are allowed to become wonderful living mulches and ground cover. In most all areas, the foliage on strawberry plants stays alive and green throughout the entire year. This makes strawberries really great landscape elements from a design point of view, and we believe should be used more!

To start, try planting just a few strawberries in a couple of large pots. We have a wide variety to choose from, but to narrow down the choices for a first time strawberry grower we recommend growing a dependable performer. Sweet Charlie Strawberry plants are great starter strawberries. For a few weeks each early summer this strawberry will load your house with tons of really sweet big berries. The quick reward for trying something new will certainly have you coming back for more, and possibly adding them to your landscape in years to come.

We offer lots of wonderful information on how to prepare your strawberries for fresh eating, and even some culinary tips for enjoying them further. We also offer some information on how to store them for future use if you can’t keep up with your harvest.

Planting strawberries now (early spring) is an ideal time and you’ll be amazed with the fast growth and establishment of your strawberries. Involve your children if you have some, and watch them grow an interest in gardening quickly. Strawberries are a wonderful thing to grow. Enjoy!

Strawberry Jar Planted