"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Wholesale Lavender Plants for Lavender Farms

It's fall planting time for lavender farms in zones 6, 7 and 8. Call or email with your contact information, the lavender varieties and sizes. We have 3.5 inch pot size in the Grosso, Provence, Munstead and Hidcote as well as limited one gallon sizes. 

If you are considering starting a lavender farm, you'll need to do your research before getting plant pricing. Have a meeting with your local Soil Conservation Service or local agricultural agent (you'll likely need to be licensed within your state as a plant farm). These government agencies will be able to assist you in soil tesing to make sure your soil is loose enough to grow lavender, help with best row layout in your fields and if others in your area have been successful. In determing what lavender varieties to grow, you will need to establish who your customer will be. Customers buying for oil distillation will want different varieties that customers buying for potpourri, etc. Once you know who you're selling to, you should know which lavender varieties to begin growing and about how many plants you want to start with.