"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Viburnum Alleghany

All images are for reference only and may not represent the sizes of plants shipped.


Viburnum 'Alleghany' - 

For a dense growing hedge or windbreak, the Alleghany Viburnum is the perfect choice. From April to May, fragrant white flowers form clusters over the shrub changing to red fruit by late summer and black for winter. This viburnum is semi-evergreen meaning that in temperatures above 0 degrees F, it should keep its leather like foliage. 

What’s not love about the Allegheny vibrunum? It is an attractive, dense, upright grower with leathery, dark green foliage and large clusters of fragrant white flowers! The leatherleaf viburnum is a hybrid viburnum - a cross between V. rhytidophyllum and V. lantana. It is a multi-stemmed, upright-arching shrub that typically matures to 8-10’ tall and as wide. Mature plants grow large, Leathery, dark green leaves. Flat 4” cymes of creamy white flowers bloom in spring and give way to berries which first appear green, then bright red before finally maturing to glossy black by September. Serious insect or disease problems are quite rare!

Add a new touch to your deco with a formal or informal hedge from this Alleghany viburnum for sale. It’s perfect for a border, entranceway, spacious foundation, utilitarian, or deciduous screen shrub, being the boldest-textured Viburnum Leatherleaf. With leaf undersides and young stems that have a rich, dense, striking orange tomentosity this leatherleaf viburnum adds a bold texture to any room

The Allegheny Viburnum pruning is an interesting and awesome plant. The densely pubescent stout stems of the Alleghany viburnum are white give rise to leathery leaves that are dark green above and white-green beneath, they are simply an amazing view that stands out in any landscape.

A really nice landscape is a blend of fine textured plants and coarse textured and Alleghany Viburnum is perfect! It’s one of the most bold-textured shrubs that prefers moist, well-drained soils of average fertility in full sun. It is adaptable to poor soils, compacted soils, soils of various pH, dry soils, drought, pollution, heat and can planted in groups or mix with other broadleaf shrubs.

Matures in the 8 to 10 feet tall height with equal spread. A favorite shrub for providing winter food for birds. Great for privacy screens.

For more information and pictures of the Alleghany plant, flowers and berries, visit its page at the United States National Arboretum.


Alleghany viburnum is grown in 2 sizes:

  • Pint Pot
  • Quart Pot

Orders shipping to CA or AZ addresses will be bare rooted and root washed before being prepped for shipping.

Quantity1 - 45 - Unlimited

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