"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Helleborus Sandy Shores

All images are for reference only and may not represent the sizes of plants shipped.


Sandy Shores Lenten Rose of the HONEYMOON™ Series - 

The Honeymoon Series Hellebores are single flowered selections that are heavy bloomers in beautiful rich colors. The Sandy Shores Helleborus offers 2 to 3 inch single soft apricot flowers with solid pink backs. Beginning late winter to early spring, Sandy Shores blooms for 6 weeks or more. Great for naturalizing in wooded areas. Pair with the Spanish Flare Helleborus also from the Honeymoon™ Series.

Hellebores bloom when few other garden plants are during the cold of early spring. Being deer and rabbit resistant keep them from most plant damage that happens during that time. Perfect for woodland gardens, too.

As with all Hellebores, you will want to plant the Helleborus Sandy Shores where they can grow and live for many years. Hellebores resent being disturbed. In late winter, clip all of the old evergreen growth (leave new growth) just before new buds emerge so the focus will be on the colorful flowers. Hellebores are harmful if eaten and can cause skin irritations so be sure to wear gloves and protective clothing when planting and removing old foliage.







Sandy Shores Helleborus is grown in:

Pint Pots

Quart Pots


Orders shipping to CA or AZ addresses may be bare rooted before being prepped for shipping.


Thank you to Walters Gardens, Inc for sharing their beautiful image.

  • Category: Perennials, Perennial Plants, Helleborus, Evergreen Perennials
  • Plant Type: Evergreen
  • Light Requirement: Partial, Full Shade
  • Soil Condition: Well Drained
  • Bloom Season: Spring
  • Bloom Color: Apricot
  • Mature Height: 1 - 2ft
  • Growth Rate: Slow-growing
  • Planting Zone: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Quantity1 - 56 - Unlimited

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