"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Knee-Hi Wildflower Seed Blend

All images are for reference only and may not represent the sizes of plants shipped.


Wildflower Seed Knee-Hi

Our Knee-Hi Wildflower Seed Blend contains wild flowers that grow less than 2 feet high and provides a neater appearance than taller mixes.

Good for residential or commercial landscaping where height is a factor.

A lovely combination of annuals, biennials and perennials grows to only 24 inches and blooms in shades of red, blue, orange, yellow, violet, pink, and white. This mix was designed to meet the special needs of suburban or urban environments where lower plantings are preferred. Wildflower Seed knee-hi is especially attractive against a house, fence or wall and in a great variety of residential and commercial situations.

Knee-Hi Mix can be planted in all regions of the United States except southern Florida and the extreme southern tip of Texas. The mix includes plants with different moisture requirements, and those best suited to your site will prosper.

Planting Rate for ½ acre or less 5oz./1000sq. ft.

Mix contains:

At Greenwood we have formulated exclusively for our customers custom wild flower seed kits. Each kit contains: · One 6oz. bag of pure seed without filler sealed in a zip lock bag for reuse and storage. One 6oz bag will cover 1000-1200 sq. ft. depending on the mix. · One 12oz. bag of filler to mix with seed at time of planting. Use 2 parts filler for 1 part seed. Seed will need to be properly diluted and put into a spreader for best coverage and even distribution.


Our Knee-Hi Wildflower Seed Kit contains:

  • 5oz. bag of pure seed of the Knee-Hi Blend
  • 6oz. bag of filler to blend for planting ease
  • Category: Perennials, Wildflower Seeds
  • Plant Type: Deciduous
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun
  • Soil Condition: Well Drained
  • Bloom Season: Summer
  • Bloom Color: Apricot, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, Yellow
  • Mature Height: 2 - 3ft
  • Growth Rate: Fast-Growing
  • Planting Zone: 5, 6, 7, 8
Quantity1 - 34 - Unlimited