"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

March Gardening Schedule Tips

Spring! Its almost here!!! Take time to smell the earth awakening from its winter hibernation. New plans, new plants,and soon all is green in the world. With so much to do in the garden at this time of year, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. I have alway sfound it much easier to divide my projects into achievable goals that produce easily recognized results.

I know, I know its all in the mind .....but it sure makes it seem to me i have accomplished something when I not only check it off my list but also seee the results with my own eyes. MARCH Trees and shrubs can be planted as soon as the ground thaws. Prune winter-damaged and cracked branches from trees and shrubs. If these branches are left to hang, they can further tear and harm or even kill your plant. Branches left to heal on their own will leave your plant susceptible to insects and disease. The best solution is to prune. Do not use a pruning sealant. If you did not tend your garden tools this past fall, take a few minutes to get them in shape for the planting season.

Sand handles to shovels and rakes to keep splinters at bay. Sharpen clippers and shovels so spring chores will be easier on plants and you. Wash green algae from walkways, siding, and furniture. Use a mild,solution of bleach and water. Scrub well and rinse. Be careful to keep bleach water away from plants. Examine trellises, arbors, and fences for necessary repairs. Clean birdbaths and garden statuary. Fertilize roses. Plant pansies for early-spring cheerfulness. Plant outdoor containers with a Spring Bouquet. During the second week of March, plant spinach. Around March 17th plant potatoes and transplant cabbage. Plant bare-rooted asparagus and peas.

Cut ornamental grasses back to 4-6" and liriope back to 1-2" in early March, before new growth appears. Now is the perfect time to apply pre-emergent weed control. The plan is to catch over-wintering weed seeds before they sprout. Do not use pre-emergent on newly seeded lawns. Fertilize established lawns if you did not do so last fall.

Test soil to see if lime application is needed. Begin cutting your grass when it is 3" tall. Use a sharp lawnmower blade so grass will be cut, not torn. Trim and repot houseplants. Use pots that are only one size larger than the pot your plant is in now. Check plants for insects. Use insecticidal soaps (non-toxic) to control aphids, whiteflies and mites (always consult label before spraying).

Start fertilizing every 2 weeks with a liquid (water soluble) fertilizer. Spring blooming bulbs like tulips and daffodils are planted in the fall. Use this spring to gather information, visiting gardens in bloom, and make a record of varieties you’d like to try. Also, note areas in your yard that could use a little more spring color and plan to plant bulbs in these places in the fall. Start seeds indoors for setting out at the end of April. Generally it is ideal to divide fall blooming perennials in the spring. Spring and summer bloomers are best divided in the fall. If you must do them now, divide perennials when new growth reaches 3-4". Put out plant supports for peonies, lilies, delphiniums and other tall growing perennials. Weed, mulch and edge garden beds
