"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Wholesale Oak Trees for Field Planting

Call or email Steve for current availability on oaks and nut trees.

Although we do grow other trees and shrubs, we specialize in oaks and other nut trees available at wholesale prices like the Purdue Black Walnut Tree and Fast Growing Celestial Chestnut Tree. Our oak tree varieties range from Bur Oaks, Northern Red Oak, White Oak, Willow Oak and more. Our nut seed selection is based on the genetics of the parent trees and we look for fast growing, straight trees that are strong nut producers. Standard wholsale tree sizes are one and three gallon container grown trees. Our quart size container oak trees are the first to sell out during the summer season, so early ordering is recommended to secure that size. 

Contact us by email (steve@greenwoodnursery.com) or phone (931-668-3041) to buy wholesale oak trees. We are also available to handle custom or contract tree growing projects

We look forward to working with you.
