"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Plant Problem Solved!!!

Last month, as the weather began to warm in the deep south, we started into spring shipping mode here at the nursery. Our shipping department takes great pains to make sure that each order is properly packed when it leaves the nursery ready for its journey to its new home. Problems are few and far between...but once in a while a problem occurs, as it did with Susan's order. She immediately sent me an email that was in my inbox first thing the following morning. One of The Greenwood Team phoned Susan right away and a Dynamite Crape Myrtle was shipped right out. We received a lovely thank you note which I've posted below.


At Greenwood Nursery, we provide excellent quality plants at affordable pricing along with exceptional customer service. If, at anytime, we fall short of exceptional, please let us know. We want your gardening and landscaping projects to be successful with Greenwood products and are here to help you along the way. We can't solve any problems that we don't know about, and want the opportunity to resolve them.


Susan's email to Greenwood Nursery:


Hello Brenda and Nancy too!


It is Susan **** in *** TX….

I was one of your customers, whose first Dynamite Crepe Myrtle arrived broken down to within 1” of the dirt.  You were kind enough to send me a replacement…. And it arrived the other day.

It is FANTASTIC!  It has buds and not ONE was damaged. That bamboo stake held everything nice and SAFE.



I wanted to let you know…… you know, as a society, we are very quick to complain and very slow to praise (I know this because I handle complaints ALL day long)…. So I thought it important to let you know how FABULOUS you were and when I get the new garden beds finished… if I need plants… I know where to go.


Have a great Spring and Summer!

Susan ****



Susan, thank you for taking the time to contact us. You are correct, most customers, in any industry, never take the time to note a job well done. We appreciate that you took the time to let us know.


Cheryl Jones

Greenwood Nursery
