"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Planting Bamboo

Bamboo plants actually require very little maintenance. They prefer organic soil 
that drains well but still retains a little moisture with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.

Dig a hole as deep as the container and twice as wide. Plant with a mixture of 
half compost and half soil with no added fertilize or manure. Water thoroughly 
when planting, and during the first year in the ground do not allow the soil to dry 
out completely.

A good soaking once a week is good. After the plant has 
established itself (3-4 years in the ground), apply a fertilizer with a high nitrogen 
content (such as a 17-6-12 slow release) in the spring of the year. Each year thin 
out the older canes (3-5 year old) each year. Apply compost in early spring and a 
thick layer of (organic) mulch. It does take a few years for the plants to become 
well established and generally begin faster growth around the 3rd year. 

Controlling bamboo: clumping bamboo varieties do not need any additional 

However, the running varieties are another story. If placed near a pond 
or running water, they don't typically grow into the water.

A barrier can be created within landscapes to contain them, at least 30 inches deep made from metal or other 
material that will not fall apart over time. This one is about the only one way to really keep the roots contained. 

Creating a 20 foot wide mowing strip around a planting with regular mowing will 
often keep the spreading in check.