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Plant your Drift® Rose in an area that gets four to six hours of direct sunlight a day and plenty of air circulation.
Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the nursery container your rose is in.
Mix garden soil from the hole with compost. Put a little of that in the bottom of the hole.
Water the rose in its container if it looks dry, and then remove it from the pot.
Cut back broken or damaged stems and gently tear at the roots to loosen.
Place the rose in the center of the hole. The placement of the bud union (that part of the plant between the roots and limbs) either above or below the soil line is important. The bud union is the most susceptible part of the plant and if you live in areas where you have extremely cold winters you'll want to bury it about 1 to 2 inches below the surface of the ground for protection. But in milder parts of the country you can actually plant it with the bud union about 1 inch to 1½ inches above ground level.
Back fill the hole, tamping down as you go to eliminate air pockets and water well.
Prune in early spring after the worst of winter is over but before new growth begins. Cut them back hard, down to 4-inches from the ground. Deadheading during the growing season promotes re-blooming.