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Tips for Gardening with Kids

Get good quality child-sized garden tools. Have the child make a special ornament for his/her garden. Pick seeds that are easy to handle and plants that are easy and reliable such as Nasturtiums, Marigolds, Zinneas, Scarlet Runner Beans, Sunflowers, etc. Plant the children's garden over several days, if necessary to maintain attention. Start seeds inside under florescent light for slow growing flowers, especially in northern areas. Kids enjoy having things growning. Plant the child's name using alfalfa seed or grass seed planted in a tray of cotton fluff or potting soil Have child decorate a...

Online Shopping!

Shopping with us on line is an easy and time saving experience. We have processed orders for the last twenty-seven years for customers and organizations throughout the United States. Any time you choose to select an item to be purchased your own shopping cart will appear. Simply select the item and the number of items you wish to order and they will be added to the shopping cart. After you have concluded shopping the shopping cart program will tally your order and shipping charges. The total will be displayed to you. You may also remove items anytime you wish from the cart. Thank you for...

Everything you could want to know about Genetically Superior Black Walnut Trees

RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT CHARACTERISTICS PROJECTED VALUE HOW IT ALL BEGAN HOW MUCH ARE THE TREES WORTH? THE PRESENT ASSUMPTIONS HOW TO GET THE BEST PRICE IS FAST-GROWING WOOD LESS DESIREABLE? MAXIMIZING THE RETURN ON PLANTATION INVESTMENT PURDUE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH WHERE TO PLANT HOW TO PLANT RESEARCH Research begins at Purdue University in 1968. Over 400 specimens collected and planted in clone banks. All but the eight fastest growing and straightest trees are culled. Those eight are awarded patents in 1979 and 1980 based on superior growth and form. Back to top...

Planting instructions for Blackberry plants

Planting Blackberries by National Gardening Association Editors Blackberries need full sun. They aren't fussy about soils, although good drainage is important. If the soil has a good amount of humus, so much the better, but average fertility is all they need. Do not plant blackberries where any other brambles have been growing; diseases can build up over time and one of the easiest ways to avoid problems is to start fresh on a new site. Because wild blackberries and raspberries can harbor diseases and pests, try to keep your garden plants at least 300 feet from any wild relatives. Also avoid...

Blackberry Care & Harvesting

Blackberry Care & Harvesting by National Gardening Association Editors Each year blackberry plants produce new canes from the crown just below the soil surface, and from roots that extend some distance out. Each cane lives for 2 years. The first year a cane produces only leaves, the second year it bears fruit. It won't fruit again, so old canes should be pruned out as soon as possible after the harvest to prevent disease from attacking the plant. Pruning reduces stress on the plants. Keep enough fruiting canes to have a good crop and remove the rest along with undesired root suckers each...

Peach tree chilling requirements

CHILLING REQUIREMENTS OF SELECTED PEACH VARIETIES M.L. Parker, Extension Specialist D.J. Werner, Professor Peach trees are deciduous and drop their leaves in the Fall and go into a developmental state known as dormancy. As the winter progresses the trees go into another state known as rest, during which they cannot grow even if environmental conditions are favorable for tree growth. Exposure to chilling temperatures is necessary to overcome this period of rest, after which normal bud break and growth can begin once growing conditions are favorable. The minimal necessary duration of chilling...

Kurt Bluemel Story

Kurt Bluemel: Master gardener of ornamental grasses. "Mr. Grass." That’s the way that many horticulturists refer to Kurt Bluemel. It is an apt nickname for a man who has been instrumental in bringing a remarkable variety of ornamental grasses to the attention of American gardeners and landscapers. When Kurt emigrated from his home in Europe to the United States over forty years ago, many of the grasses and perennials he was familiar with were impossible to find here. Before long, the grasses and perennials that he introduced to this country were being adopted enthusiastically by landscape...

December: good time to transplant trees and shrubs

December is upon us. Our year in the garden is winding down as the temperature drops. But for landscape lovers, there are visions of more than just sugar plums dancing in our heads. Plant trees and shrubs If you’ve been promising yourself (and your spouse, I’m guessing) that you really, really will get around to that landscaping project you’ve been discussing, don’t put it off until next spring. This is a very good time to plant trees and shrubs, depending on where you live. This currently applies to growing zones 7 - 10 Because they are in their dormant period, trees and shrubs are less...

Breathtaking fall colors: where to find the best!

Once again, it’s the fall season in America, and as temperatures begin to cool, deciduous trees from coast to coast are changing into their spectacular autumn clothing! Whether it’s a spur-of-the-moment romantic getaway weekend, or a memorable family trip, this could be the perfect time for you to take a couple of days and catch the breathtaking display of color that Mother Nature has provided for your pleasure. If you don’t live in an area where the fall colors are very exciting, or if you’d just like a change of scenery, you might be surprised to find how close you are to some outstanding...

Super seven list of summer garden jobs

It's official: Summer is finally here as of June 21! And all that talk about "the lazy, hazy days" might make us think there's nothing to do around the landscape, except maybe pull a comfortable wicker chair under a favorite shade tree and "think with your eyes closed" for an hour or so. Not so fast, Rip Van Winkle! There's still plenty to keep you occupied outdoors, so take a look at my "Summer Super Seven" checklist of essential activities, then put on your gloves and knee-pads and get busy! 1. Water the plants and lawn. If you're still "enjoying" those late spring / early summer downpours...

