"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Blue Arctic Willows

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Buy Fast Growing Blue Arctic Willows Online

Fast growing shrub, the Blue Arctic Willow matures in approximately 10 feet tall and as wide in spread. A willow shrub that is tolerant in soils that range from wet, to moist to even dry once established. Blue Arctic Willow is named for its fine textured blue to green top side foliage and its silver blue underside foliage. Also called Purpleosier Willow for the purple young stems and Basket Willow (Salicaceae). 

Salix purpurea is bothered by few issues. When the Blue Arctic Willow begins to get too large or untidy, prune it back to approximately 6 to 24 inches from the ground for quick regrowth. 

The Purpleosier Willow is a rapid growing willow shrub commonly used near water areas, informal hedge, to screen out unsightly areaserosion control, for naturalizing. Cold hardy in zones 3 to 6. Does not like heat and humidity of the Southern U.S.


Blue Arctic Willow ships as bare root shrubs in the 2 to 3 foot height range.


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