"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Catlins Giant Carpet Ajuga

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Ajuga reptans 'Catlin's Giant' - Giant Carpet Bugle

This large leafed ajuga is a fast growing groundcover that produces beautifully large spikes with blue flowers in spring and deep green foliage changing to bronze with fall. As with other bugleweed varieties, Catlins Giant Ajuga prefers moist soil though will tolerate periods of drought. 

Good choice ground cover for hillsides, slopes, edging, containers, rock gardens. Needs good air circulation to prevent crown rot. Catlins Giant will often grow in areas where grass or other plants are difficult to establish.

Easy to maintain. Mow with lawn mower or weed eater to remove spent flowers and to renew old growth.

Rabbit and Deer resistant. Perfect for naturalizing areas.


Catlins Ajuga is grown in a trade gallon size container. Orders shipping to west coast states may be bare rooted for shipping.

  • Category: Groundcover Plants, Perennials, Perennial Plants
  • Plant Type: Semi-evergreen
  • Light Requirement: Full Sun, Partial
  • Soil Condition: Well Drained, Moist
  • Bloom Season: Summer
  • Bloom Color: Blue
  • Mature Height: 0 - 1ft
  • Growth Rate: Fast-Growing
  • Planting Zone: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Quantity1 - 45 - Unlimited

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