"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Lemon Grass

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Buy Lemongrass Plants -

Planting and Growing Lemon Grass -

A tropical herb grass, Lemon Grass is primarily found in Asian cooking, teas, and soups.  Only hardy in zones 9 to 11, Lemon Grass is grown mostly in the United States in pots that can be moved outdoors in late spring to cool fall weather and then kept indoors during fall, winter and spring weather. Use this lemon flavor for infusing tea, soup stock and Asian cooking.

Place your potted Lemongrass in full sun during summer weather or outdoors in your kitchen garden, porch or patio areas. Don't let the roots dry out. Plant in a pot that is about 12 inches wide. Depth can be shallow as the roots don't extend too deeply. Overwinter indoors in a bright window that is south facing. Keep soil barely moist as they will grow slowly over winter. In warm spring weather resume normal watering. Move outdoors when evening temperatures are above about 48 to 50 degrees. 

Harvesting for cooking and teas does not harm the plant. The edible portion of the Lemongrass plant is nearer the bottom of the stalk. Be cautious as the top leafy parts are quite sharp. Leaves can be bundled and simmered to infuse lemon flavor into teas and soups. After use, add the leaves to your compost pile or scatter them in your lawn or near patio to deter insects. To dry lemon grass leaves, bundle and hang upside down in a cool dark area until they've dried. Store in tightly sealed jars. Dried lemongrass will hold it's flavor for up to a year.

GreenwoodNursery.com is your online plant nursery to buy Lemongrass Plants.

How to Plant Lemon Grass in pots


How to Make Lemongrass Tea


How to Make Rice Pudding with Lemongrass (Vegan Recipe)



Lemon grass is available in:

  • Quart Pot
  • Does not ship to OR addresses.
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Quantity1 - 45 - Unlimited

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