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Never do this to your trees

Common things people do to plants that they shouldn't. Topping or stubbing is examples of removing large branches from mature trees. A topped tree is a disfigured tree and although it was intended to help the tree, the opposite is the result. When a large amount of a tree's canopy (umbrella) is removed, the crown to root ratio is imbalanced and this adversely affects the tree's nutrition. It also exposes the tree to the sun, which can result in scalding. Topped trees develop multiple branches or suckers, at or near the pruning cut. These branches generally are weakly attached and are prone to...

Overall benefits to tree and shrub planting

Most trees and shrubs in cities or communities are planted to provide beauty or shade. These are two excellent reasons for their use. Woody plants also serve many other purposes, and it often is helpful to consider these other functions when selecting a tree or shrub for the landscape. The benefits of trees can be grouped into social, community, environmental and economic categories. Social Benefits: We like trees around us because they make life more pleasant. Most of us respond to the presence of trees beyond simply observing their beauty. We feel serene, peaceful, restful and tranquil in a...

Tree Maintenance

Think of tree care as an investment. A healthy tree increases in value with age--paying big dividends, increasing property values, beautifying our surroundings, purifying our air, saving energy by providing cooling shade from summer's heat and protection from winter's wind. Providing a preventive care program for your landscape plants is like putting money in the bank. Regular maintenance, designed to promote plant health and vigor, ensures their value will continue to grow. Preventing a problem is much less costly and time-consuming than curing one once it has developed. An effective...

Mulching to Reduce Environmental Stress

Mulching can reduce environmental stress by providing trees with a stable root environment that is cooler and contains more moisture than the surrounding soil. Mulch can also prevent mechanical damage by keeping machines such as lawnmowers and weedwhips away from the tree's base. Further, it helps to reduce competition from surrounding weeds and turf. To be most effective in all of these functions, mulch should be placed two to four inches deep and cover the entire root system, which may be as far as two to three times the diameter of the branch spread of the tree. If the area and activities...

Use of shrubs in landscape design

Shrubs suitable for planting on banks or slopes have suckering root systems or branches that root where they touch the ground. Use shrubs tolerant of adverse growing conditions. A number of shrubs grow and bloom in shade. These shrubs don't require shade--they simply adapt to it better than other shrubs. Many shade-tolerant shrubs grow better when given more light. Shrubs--especially those with thorns--can be used as a barrier to unwanted foot traffic. But consider the possibility of injury resulting from the use of thorned plants. Always consider future possibilities when selecting a shrub...

Plant Spacing - Recommended distances between plants

One of the questions that we are asked frequently by our customers is plant spacing. How far apart do I plant my trees or shrubs? In reply to those questions, the following is useful information. Plant Spacing Spacing guidelines for various types of tree plantations are listed as follows (43,560 square feet/acre): Christmas Trees 6 x 6 foot spacing, 1210 trees/acre 8 x 8 foot spacing, 680 trees/acre 5 x 6 foot spacing, 1450 trees/acre Reforestation 8 x 8 foot spacing, 680 trees/acre Windbreaks 8 x 10 foot spacing in staggered rows, 545 trees/acre 10 x 10 foot spacing in staggered rows, 436...

March Gardening Schedule Tips

Spring! Its almost here!!! Take time to smell the earth awakening from its winter hibernation. New plans, new plants,and soon all is green in the world. With so much to do in the garden at this time of year, you may feel a bit overwhelmed. I have alway sfound it much easier to divide my projects into achievable goals that produce easily recognized results. I know, I know its all in the mind .....but it sure makes it seem to me i have accomplished something when I not only check it off my list but also seee the results with my own eyes. MARCH Trees and shrubs can be planted as soon as the...

Mosquito Control Through Placing Bat Houses Nearby

Although we have touched on the subject before itis important to bring the matter up again. The government is forecasting a very bad year for mosquitoes and the spread of the West Nile Disease. For those of you who are unaware several people and horses died last year from becoming infected with the disease. The disease is borne by mosquitoes. That is the bad news. The good news is a simple effective solution is the placement of bat houses in appropriate places on your properties. Bats have an enormous capacity for consuming insets nocturnal animal; the bat eats when the insects are out, in...

C.A.D. simplifies landscape design

You gaze out into the yard from the new deck you put in two years ago. The golden spirea looks pretty good lined up in front of the house and the gladiolas pop up every year and add a splash of color to the side. The perennials and the spiera were put in with the deck and so far, that’s been it. Now, looking around, other projects pass through your mind. That flower garden and pond flash in and out again, the oriental garden, the hedgerow for the back and others drift by for a glimpse before retiring to the deck again. Making the usual vow you add the usual excuses. “No time,” you say. “Don’t...

Internet offers abundance of information

When it comes to dreaming up new projects at the home-front, don’t overlook one very important resource ... the very place you are reading this story or the World Wide Web! Using the Internet and World Wide Web can either be one of the most informative experiences one can have or the most frustrating depending on your approach. You could take the lost traveler approach and flounder around the web jumping from web site to web site finding nothing of value or you could take the approach of a farmer planting his crops. You have to prepare the soil before you can plant the seeds, then plant what...
