"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Spiraea Artisan

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Double Play® Artisan® Spirea Flowering Shrub

You'll love the spring growth of the new Artisan® Spiraea from the Proven Winners Double Play® Series. While the foliage is green, the tips filled with new growth is red which gives the appearance of tiny red blooms from a distance. By the time all of the new growth has hardened off, deep fuchsia pink flowers appear. Deadhead the spent blooms to encourage re-blooming longer into the summer season. 

low maintenance flowering shrub, lightly prune your Spiraea in spring for shape and apply, if needed, a timed release fertilizer. Otherwise, mulch with aged compost mix in spring and again in fall for nutrient rich soil. 

Flowers on the Double Play® Artisan® Spiraea


Check out the Double Play® Spiraea Series: 

Big Bang Spiraea and Doozie Spirea

Double Play® Artisan® Spiraea japonica 'Galen' USPP 21,712, Can 4,072


Artisan Spiraea is grown in a 1 quart container.


On Sale
Quantity1 - 45 - Unlimited

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