"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Best Winter Plants For Pots


Best plants to plant in winter pots

After Thanksgiving and the weather turns frosty, most decorative pots and window boxes are ready for a seasonal change. Whether you're starting with new pots or freshening up pots in use, here is our listing of best winter plants for pots

When starting with new, choose frost/freeze resistant pots, fill with mostly a topsoil blend without peat or fertilize (now is not the time to encourage plant growth) and an assortment of plants for color and texture.

Choose these for pot backgrounds, as a single plant in limited pots, or planted as a row in a window box with lights added.

Holmstrup Arborvitae

Gin Fizz Juniper

Brass Buckle Ilex

Anna's Magic Ball Thuja

Mini Jazz Hands Loropetalum

Choose from these shrubs if you're going to create colorful plant combinations.

Tater Tot Arborvitae Thuja

Color Guard Yucca

Juke Box Pyracomeles

Sprinter Boxwood

Lavender Azalea

Then, select a grass.

Carex Evergold Sedge

Northwind Panicum

Pink Muhly Grass

Finish off with a low growing plant.

Purple Wintercreeper (3.5 Inch Pot Size)

Hen and Chicks

Autumn Brilliance Fern

Montana Moss Juniper

Lemon Ball Sedum

Black Knight Heuchera


Arp Rosemary



Once planted, cover the soil with moss that is available at most hobby stores. Water plants as needed - don't water during freeze periods. Depending on your location, plants in containers may be susceptible to the roots freezing at which point these and other such plants can only be enjoyed for one season. 






