"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Perennial Plants of the Year

Perennial Plants of the Year Winners!

Perennial Plants of the Year are chosen by the Perennial Plant Association. Plants must meet certain criteria to be nominated to be plant of the year such as a wide range of growing zones, low maintenance, several seasons of interest and be pest and disease free. Planting from this list you know that you are planting reliable plants in your yard.

Perennial Plants of the Year!

2020 - Aralia Sun King

2019 - Stachys monieri Hummelo

2018 - Allium Millenium

2017 - Asclepias tuberosa

2016 - Anemone Honorine Jobert

2015 - Geranium Biokovo

2014 - Panicum Northwind

2013 - Polygonatum Variegatum

2012 - Brunnera Jack Frost

2011 - Amsonia hubrichtii

2010 - Baptisia australis

2009 - Hakonechloa Aureola

2008 - Geranium Rozanne

2007 - Nepeta Walkers Low

2006 - Dianthus Firewitch

2005 - Helleborus x hubridus

2004 - Athyrium Pictum

2003 - Leucanthemum Becky

2002 - Phlox paniculata David

2001 - Calamagrostis Karl Foerster

2000 - Scabiosa Butterfly Blue

1999 - Rudbeckia Goldstrum

1998 - Echinacea Magnus


