"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Dawn Redwood Tree

All images are for reference only and may not represent the sizes of plants shipped.


Dawn Redwood Shade Tree

Dawn Redwood TreeMetasequoia glyptostroboides, is one of our favorite shade trees. The Dawn Redwood originates from Central China and was discovered in 1941. All of the Dawn Redwood specimens relate to this Chinese population.

The Dawn Redwood's beautiful and delicate fern like needles appear light green spring and turn gold in autumn, then drop and return again to glory in spring. Don't be afraid to grow it in a big pot - we have four foot redwoods in pots and they will grow happily like this - but remember to keep watered well in summer so that the root system doesn't dry out.

Is bonsai your hobby? Dawn Redwoods make excellent bonsai tree plantings. This is the part of species preservation we like to see. Here a very rare plant was brought into cultivation and now is spread nationwide for the enjoyment of everyone. This Dawn Redwood species is a very attractive shade tree.

The Dawn Redwood makes a great specimen, or in clumps, and also as a border or fence line tree.

The foliage is more lacy looking than the other two redwoods, and in the fall, the Dawn Redwood will turn red-yellow like a maple, aspen, or birch tree, but the Dawn Redwood is a deciduous conifer tree!


Dawn Redwood is available in 1 size:

  • Grown in Quart Pots 

Plants shipping to western states addresses may be bare rooted before being prepped for shipping.

Quantity1 - 45 - Unlimited