"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Golden Yellow Twig Shrub Dogwood

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Fast Growing Yellow Twig Dogwood Shrub

Golden branches will glow in your winter landscape with a shrub hedge or grouping of Yellow Twig Dogwoods. This dogwood shrub is a North American native shrub that will bring interest to any garden setting. A flowering shrub that can handle moist to wet soil areas, the Yellow Twig is a great choice for wildlife gardenswoodland gardensbird gardens, plus grows into a dense shrub hedge.

Spring brings bright green leaves making a lovely backdrop for the white flowers that pop out becoming white fruit for birds and wildlife by mid summer. As fall approaches the Yellow Twig, the bright green leaves fade to a golden color and then fall to the ground in late fall exposing the gorgeous golden bark branching. Though Yellow Dogwoods do grow in partial sun or light shade, the more sun they are exposed to, the more golden the winter branching color. 

Earlier classification placed the Yellow Twig Dogwood as Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea', but more recent designations name it Cornus sericea 'Flaviramea'

Pair the Yellow Twig Dogwood with the Red Twig Dogwood for a striking winter setting of mulit-stemmed bushy dogwoods in a shrub hedge. Prune to thin out the branches in spring for better growth over the season which will result in better winter color. Anticipate Yellow Twig Dogwood Flowering Shrubs growing approximately 6 to 8 feet tall with a spread of 7 to 9 feet wide.

Other companion plants for the Yellow Twig Dogwood are Little Bluestem Grass and Black Mondo Grass.


Yellow Twig Dogwood Plants ship as a bundle of 5 bare root plants one to two foot tall.

Cannot ship into Florida.

Quantity1 - 45 - Unlimited

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