"Garden-Fresh Teas: Your Guide to Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Garden."

Persian Lilac Shrubs

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Buy Persian Lilac Shrubs Online

Persian lilac Flowering Shrubs, Syringa x persica, is a graceful arching flowering shrub reaching to 4 to 8 feet tall and half again as wide. The pale violet to lavender flowers of the Persian Lilac shrubs are wonderfully fragrant. The 2 to 3 inch long blooms appear on the Persian Lilac Bushes in late spring and bloom abundantly into early summer, attracting bees, butterflies and birds.

The rounded and low mature shrub form makes the Persian lilac shrub a perfect plant to be used in a foundation planting or as a border plant. The lilac blooms can be cut and taken indoors for a lovely scent and floral display.

Plant 4 to 5 feet apart for a beautiful spring flowering hedge.


Persian Lilacs ship as one to two foot tall, branched field grown transplants (bare root) - 1 plant per order.



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